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A Shade of Vampire

A Shade of Vampire, Book 1


Bella Forrest


A fun, easy-to-enjoy vampire story.


This very imaginative tale is told in first person from the perspective of the two main characters and features our world with vampires living in seclusion on a hidden island fortress. The leader of the vampire community, Derek Novak, has been asleep for 400 hundred years since establishing the secret sanctuary. But Derek is scheduled to wake up soon. 

The vampires of this coven leave the island periodically to kidnap humans to use as slaves and their source of nourishment. In preparation for Derek regaining consciousness, his sister and brother kidnap several young and beautiful girls to serve him in his harem, and in doing so, select Sofia Claremont, who was discovered walking along a deserted beach on her 17th birthday after arguing with her best friend, Ben. When Derek awakens, he is taken with the young captive as he fights to control his blood hunger, and eventually, they become emotionally involved with each other. 

The story has interesting characters with unusual backstories. Sofia grew up under difficult circumstances and was taken under the wings of Ben's family. She was falling in love with Ben. Derek was once a hunter of vampires and was "turned" by his father. Derek's older brother, Lucas, has been passed over to rule the coven in favor of Derek courtesy of a prophecy. The island's protection against discovery by the vampire hunters was set in place by Cora, a powerful witch whom Derek wooed to the vampires' side. Cora, dead for centuries, has been succeeded through the years by her descendants, currently by one named Corrine. Ben also reappears to complicate the story further. 

The setting is fun and imaginative. The island itself, known as "The Shade," is kept in eternal night by a spell crafted and maintained by Cora and her family. Prisoners are kept in "The Cells" and slaves in "The Catacombs." A medieval town known as "The Vale" and "The Baths" serve as the meeting, shopping, and social centers of the coven. The members of the first vampire families are known as "The Elite" and live in modern, fantastic tree houses or villas, with the members of the royal family residing in the best of the best – "The Penthouse." 

Mystery, murder, a foiled escape attempt, and romance all serve to spice up this fairly short (152 pages) and quick introduction to the world and characters of this series. I recommend A SHADE OF VAMPIRE to readers of vampire stories.


For this and my other reviews, go to Boys' Mom Reads!

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Wine Explained

Answers to the Most Common Questions about Wine


Fabrizio Di Rienzo


Comprehensive and pleasantly readable – takes all the intimidation out of the picture.


Wine Explained is a comprehensive and extraordinarily readable question-and-answer style guide to all things wine by Fabrizio Di Rienzo, “The Modern Maitre D & Sommelier,” noted speaker and trainer. With his personable delivery, the author makes his explanations easy to understand without the intimidating pretension that is often encountered by wine novices when asking the experts about the basics, making wine something everyone can enjoy and not just those already in the know. Including history and lesser-known facts as well, this book is perfect no matter where one is in their knowledge of wine; there was just so much of interest and value here. 

I highly recommend WINE EXPLAINED for anyone who has questions about wine and would like to know more. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy through RABT Book Tours and PR.

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A Coastal Corpse

Seffi Wardwell Mystery, #1


Rebecca M. Douglass


A great start to this cozy mystery series featuring retired science teacher Seffi Wardwell.


A Coastal Corpse is the first book in veteran author Rebecca M. Douglass’s coastal Maine-set cozy Seffi Wardwell Mystery series, which launched in August of 2023. This smart senior sleuth from California is a retired science teacher who has relocated to the village of Smelt Point to recuperate from lingering COVID at the urging of a former student who is now the local police officer. However, rather than finding the rest and comfort of small-town living she anticipated, she finds herself embroiled in a murder investigation and surrounded by the unfriendly and suspicious faces of her new neighbors. 

I liked Seffi from the start and sympathized with her physical limitations brought on by her struggles recuperating from COVID. She was so relatable as she encountered the many challenges that the illness had left her with on top of those presented by the aging process. Seffi is 72 years old, however, her mind and attitude are still sharp, clear, and healthy, and she quickly decides to help solve the murder of the town’s pariah – Al Conkin, a local man the residents blamed for a death and injuries that occurred years earlier at his family’s fish plant. 

The depiction of life during the pandemic is somewhat unique in that most mysteries seem to avoid the timeframe, choosing to begin their story well after quarantines, masking, and vaccines are history or skip mentioning it entirely. In the story, vaccines have already been made available, but the precautions of that time are still fresh. Seffi’s debilitated physical condition was sad and hard to watch but realistic. The unfriendly attitude of Smelt Point’s residents toward newcomers was appalling, and I hope it was an exaggeration of a reputation for being unwelcoming. While Seffi makes some headway in gaining friends in her new hometown, it isn’t easy, and she herself is reticent to open up and reveal her past life. The plot is compelling, offering complexity and a welcome freshness, despite sounding a bit like a Bizarro episode of Murder, She Wrote.

I highly recommend A COASTAL CORPSE to cozy mystery fans, especially those who would enjoy a Maine setting or LGBT representation.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours.

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The Moldavian Gambit


Brad M. Meslin


A smart, complex, and suspenseful geopolitical thriller – I couldn’t put it down!


The Moldavian Gambit by Brad M. Meslin is a new geopolitical thriller set during the early 1990s as the USSR began to decentralize and disintegrate. During an uprising against Soviet troops in the regional capital of Moldavia, terrorists steal a portable nuclear weapon from the Soviet’s armory and escape to parts unknown. It’s hardly a blip on the intelligence community’s radar. But when the thieves reappear with a deadly blackmail demand to give Moldavia its freedom, the whole world takes notice. 

The story is told from multiple points of view, including the thieves, world leaders, and operatives of the international intelligence community, the story is smart, complex, and rife with tension. Those holding the nuclear weapon are ruthless in the setup and implementation of their plan to bend the Russians to their will, and their plan is meticulous in its detailed execution. The story is a masterwork of moving parts, ulterior motives, betrayal, and sacrifice. The action moves across the globe as the number of entities involved grows. 

The author paints a vivid picture of conditions in the 1990s after Desert Storm and the state of governmental intelligence at that time, including actual events and the relationships in place with allies and opponents, and it is complex. The number of agencies involved in this country alone was surprising, and I was grateful for the glossary explaining the acronyms the author provided at the beginning of the book. Thankfully, each chapter is headed by a date stamp, setting a marker for the ongoing action that is coming from a myriad of sources all involved in the unfolding crisis. Later, that same time marker becomes a suspenseful countdown. As the race to stop the looming disaster accelerated, I was riveted to the story. 

I recommend THE MOLDAVIAN GAMBIT to readers of political thrillers. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy through RABT Book Tours and PR.

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Crimes After Hours


Daniela Alibrandi


A MultiDimensional crime tale of menace and murder!


Crimes After Hours is a new-to-the-U.S. market tale of murder and madness by renowned Italian mystery writer Daniela Alibrandi. A bitter, lonely woman working in a governmental administrative office pokes around in her coworkers’ desks after hours to discover any secrets she might later be able to use against them, while a murderer lurks in the dank and shadowy tunnels that run beneath the buildings in the area. As the nosy typist uncovers a secret she never should have seen, the murderer handpicks their own victims. Suspense rises from every page, and menace oozes from each encounter with the hiding-in-plain-sight murderer, creating a tense story that readers will be loath to put down for even a minute. 

The author weaves her story, which is a genre-crossing blend of murder mystery, police procedural, noir, and thriller, around the points of view of a number of characters, including that of the killer, whose frightening intensity was downright chilling. There are also main characters, such as Alice Pendia, the nosy typist mentioned in the book’s synopsis, and Commissioner Riccardo Rosco, the lead detective, who are somewhat difficult to like, at least initially. 

The plot is intriguing, and there is more than one mystery to work out. While one resolution is straightforward, another comes as quite a surprise. In true noir fashion, Rosco succumbs to some femme fatale temptation, resulting in a very sexy adult situation that doesn’t bode well for his career. 

The author sets her story in Rome, where the busy streets, the Tiber River, and small eateries and pizzerias provide charming backdrops to many of the scenes. However, it was the tunnels underneath the city that connect whole neighborhoods of office and apartment buildings that really made an interesting and sinister impression on me. The action occurred in the not-too-distant past (the late 70s-early 80s), prior to much of the technological advantages we now take for granted. Getting to work on an electric typewriter was an office coup, and the ubiquitous carbon paper was as much a mess in the story as I remember it being in reality. Landlines are the norm with cell phones, let alone smartphones, yet a thing of the future. 

The novel was written and published originally in Italian, so this edition is an English translation. I had some difficulty falling into the cadence of the narrative at first but eventually adjusted as the story progressed. At times, the translation doesn’t quite work, and this would disrupt the flow of the story until the true meaning became apparent. This version would benefit from another pass by a native English speaker. 

I recommend CRIMES AFTER HOURS to readers who enjoy traditional mysteries, police procedurals, noir thrillers, and suspense. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tours.

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Death by Blood

South Beach Crew, #1


Kerrie Biehl


Seductive and sexy start to this paranormal thriller series!


Detective Shawna Davies of the South Beach Police Department is working undercover on the night shift as part of an interagency task force to find out who is infiltrating the local scene with a deadly new drug called La Petit Mort, which has killed several of its young users rather than deliver the ecstasy promised by its name. Paired with the devastatingly handsome and unattached Detective Eric Black from Miami, and despite their mutual attraction, she is laser-focused on ridding her community of this new danger. Together, they quickly discover the power behind the pills belongs to an ancient predator, and Shawna finds out there’s a whole other society existing side-by-side with the known human one: a society Eric Black is more familiar with than he is ready to reveal. 

Death by Blood is the first book in author Kerrie Biehl’s sexy and seductive South Beach Crew series of paranormal thrillers, and it is a great kickoff. Engaging characters, some human, some not, caught up in a compelling set of storylines, had me glued to this book from start to finish. I was so immersed in their world that I was shocked by how much time had passed by when I finally came up for air. 

Shawna Davies is an accomplished and decorated narcotics investigator handpicked by her department chief as their liaison on the interagency task force to stop La Petit Mort. She’s a fully imagined character when the story opens, but with hints throughout that something in her backstory drove her to leave her parents and childhood home in Vermont to start over in Florida. She is immediately affected by her hunky new partner from the task force and struggles to maintain her professional distance, but thankfully, not too long, because Eric Black is hot! The pair’s chemistry is unmistakable and results in some very spicy adult scenes. 

Eric Black is a centuries-old vampire and an Enforcer for The Elders, the council of ancients that rules the worldwide community of the undead. He, too, struggles with his unprecedented attraction to Shawna, and when trouble (and later opportunity) arises, he succumbs to all his sensual desires. His disappointment with Armand’s decisions and actions was heartfelt, and his sadness radiated off the page. His sworn duty to deal with Armand is heartbreaking, but Armand effectively destroys their past relationship with his words and deeds, and Eric moves forward with what he has to do without sentimental qualms. 

The plot progresses quickly, and intriguing twists are introduced that really shake up Shawna’s life and everything she ever believed about herself and her past. However, her past is a bit murky even before a stunning revelation about her origins. While hailing from Vermont, at one point in the story, she mentions offhandedly that she grew up in Oregon. I don’t know if that was a calculated dissembling on the character’s part for some reason or an uncorrected leftover from a previous iteration of the novel. Similarly, Shawna’s cat Twitch, who is literally left to his own devices in Shawna’s home for days at a time, is renamed Tiger midway in the story. Of course, Twitch may have found another home with people who would feed him, and this is a new cat. 

While resolving their official mission, a number of questions are left unanswered, though, and hopefully, these will be addressed in future books. Both Shawna and Eric are blessed with a ride-or-die pal: Detective Jessica Houser for her and shapeshifter José Lyro for him. The synopsis for the next book in the series, Death by Fire, indicates it will feature these two very interesting secondary characters. 

I recommend DEATH BY BLOOD to readers of paranormal thrillers, especially those who enjoy vampire stories or a Miami-area setting. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy through RABT Book Tours and PR.

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Like It’s Christmas

Winterstorm Village, #1


Diana A. Hicks


Marvelous enemies-to-lovers romance with a holiday theme!


Like It’s Christmas is a new enemies-to-lovers romance set during the days leading up to Christmas and is the first book in author Diana A. Hicks’s Winterstorm Village series. With an engaging main character, a vulnerable leading man, and a close-knit small town that believes in the magic of Christmas, I quickly fell under this story’s spell, and it is the perfect way to kick off some satisfying holiday reading. 

Parker Cruz is the assistant to her father, the mayor, and she plans to make this Christmas season the biggest, best, and most successful ever for Winterstorm Village, which depends on the profits from the holiday tourist trade. But when her father is injured putting the Christmas light up on her house, she finds herself having to work with the deputy mayor and local Scrooge, whom she has despised since high school. Rhett Parker has a secret in his past that has estranged him from his illustrious family, whose ancestors founded the town. All he wants is to make Winterstorm Village prosper through his efforts and not because of his family’s reputation, even if that means cutting back the overly generous budget earmarked for Christmas decorations and activities and annoying the mayor’s spoiled daughter. 

The plot has a nice push-pull, back and forth between the two main characters, and Parker the girl (a differentiation she’s always hated) has a fun posse of girlfriends looking out for her best interests. But I thought the most fun was the townspeople’s traditional belief in love magically blossoming during a holiday snowstorm. When a bad storm hits the village and damages much of the downtown decorations, including the big tree, Parker and Rhett try to capitalize on the superstition and stage a fake relationship, a relationship no one would ever believe otherwise, to keep up everyone’s spirits as they try to recover and salvage the tourist season just until the holidays are over. But will the magic actually prove to be real, and are they headed for their own Christmas romance? 

I recommend LIKE IT’S CHRISTMAS to romance readers looking for a great holiday story to get into the Christmas spirit. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Xpresso Book Tours.

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Maggie the Cat Loves Pip’s Thanksgiving Surprise


Julia Russo

Illustrated by Grace Metzger-Forrest


A heartwarming, nostalgic, and cozy Thanksgiving tale for children.


Maggie the Cat Loves Pip’s Thanksgiving Surprise is a warm and cozy children’s chapter book and the second in author Julia Russo’s series featuring Maggie the Cat. This latest tale is centered around Thanksgiving and the wonderful memories Maggie’s owner, Wilhelmina Olive Blessing, is making at her grandfather’s apple farm during the week leading up to the holiday. While her days are made special with fun fall activities that she’s not previously experienced, such as flying a kite, it is the simple moments spent with her loving grandpa that will linger with her for the rest of her life. Readers will easily relate to her story with similar times in their own lives. 

However, this visit to this grandpa has some twists! Grandpa has a tiny pet goat named Pip who lives with him in the farmhouse, and next door, on an adjoining piece of property, a new park is being built for the county’s children. The former owner, Farmer Ted, has put small goats there to eat the unwanted vegetation that needs to be cleared before opening the park to visitors. The smallest of the goats, Barney, has taken a shine to Pip and Grandpa’s home and keeps finding his way to the farmhouse’s back door. The situation leads to the surprise in the book’s title. 

The narrative is good for children who are ready for chapter books, and the more unusual or advanced words in the text are explained as they appear in the story. The author includes a helpful vocabulary list compiling these words at the end of the book. 

I recommend MAGGIE THE CAT LOVES PIP’S THANKSGIVING SURPRISE to elementary school readers of chapter books, especially those who enjoy stories featuring animals. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy through RABT Book Tours and PR.

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Santa Claws

A Christmas Tail for Cats


Denise Alicia

Illustrated by Sadiqa Akhter


This adorable Christmas story is about Apollo, the cat who becomes Santa Claws.


Santa Claws: A Christmas Tail for Cats by Denise Alicea is a cute and cozy story for the little ones besides the cats. With an adorable cat main character, a lovely tale arising from his wish for all his fellow cats who have not yet found their forever home, and vivid, realistic illustrations by Sadiqa Akhter, this book would be a perfect one to share in the days leading up to the big night. 

Apollo, a former stray, has found his forever home, a loving family, and all the amenities his little kitty heart could desire. But when Santa Claus comes down the chimney on Apollo’s first Christmas at home, he’s amazed by what Santa will accomplish that night. His only wish is that all the cats still living on the streets could have their own home. However, Santa Claus has a plan. 

The story is heartwarming, and there’s a lesson there for children and adults to explore. Apollo immediately thinks of others who need a “Santa” in their lives. The illustrations of Apollo with his large, yellow-green eyes will melt your heart, and each setting is perfectly depicted, whether it’s inside his warm and cozy home, a cold, dirty alleyway, or a snow-laden street scene. I think children will enjoy looking at the pictures alone or while the story is read aloud. There is a lot of detail to notice in the backgrounds of each beautiful picture. This is a book that will require more than one reading. 

I recommend SANTA CLAWS to children from young to old, especially those who like cats. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tours.


Santa Claws

A Christmas Tail for Cats


Denise Alicia

Illustrated by Sadiqa Akhter


This adorable Christmas story is about Apollo, the cat who becomes Santa Claws.


Santa Claws: A Christmas Tail for Cats by Denise Alicia is a cute and cozy story for the little ones besides the cats. With an adorable cat main character, a lovely tale arising from his wish for all his fellow cats who have not yet found their forever home, and vivid, realistic illustrations by Sadiqa Akhter, this book would be a perfect one to share in the days leading up to the big night. 

Apollo, a former stray, has found his forever home, a loving family, and all the amenities his little kitty heart could desire. But when Santa Claus comes down the chimney on Apollo’s first Christmas at home, he’s amazed by what Santa will accomplish that night. His only wish is that all the cats still living on the streets could have their own home. However, Santa Claus has a plan. 

The story is heartwarming, and there’s a lesson there for children and adults to explore. Apollo immediately thinks of others who need a “Santa” in their lives. The illustrations of Apollo with his large, yellow-green eyes will melt your heart, and each setting is perfectly depicted, whether it’s inside his warm and cozy home, a cold, dirty alleyway, or a snow-laden street scene. I think children will enjoy looking at the pictures alone or while the story is read aloud. There is a lot of detail to notice in the backgrounds of each beautiful picture. This is a book that will require more than one reading. 

I recommend SANTA CLAWS to children from young to old, especially those who like cats. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tours.