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Teacups and Temptations


Kate Ellington


Thoroughly enjoyable, sweet romance!

Teacups and Temptations is a new historical romance by Kate Ellington, and I was thoroughly charmed by the fun, young protagonists and their innocent yet ill-considered plans for an unchaperoned month-long stay at a country home. The story is lighthearted, with plenty of amusing and innocent escapades and cautiously developing romantic feelings, perfect for an entertaining and satisfying sweet romance.

Molly Merriwether and her best friend, Caroline Darby, have waited with great anticipation for their planned visit to Waverly Hall so Caroline can further her acquaintance with the eligible son of the house, Benedict Clarke, with whom she’s exchanged letters since meeting the previous summer. But when they are finally on their journey, their chaperone, Caroline’s Aunt Hazel, falls ill but sends the girls ahead with the belief that Benedict’s parents will be there to ensure all the proprieties are met. However, when the girls reach Waverly Hall, they discover the elder Clarkes are away with only Benedict, his older brother, Frederick, and a school friend, Roger, to host them. Molly and Caroline convince themselves that since Aunt Hazel will surely be along in a day or so, it would be alright for them to remain at the house alone with the young men, and besides, who would ever find out?

Molly is the youngest child and only daughter in her family with three older brothers who have, undoubtedly, helped shape her confident and bold personality and, most assuredly, fueled her unique interest in seeing the inside of a tavern for herself. She naively risks her reputation and that of her best friend, Caroline, when she champions their plan to remain at Waverly Hall when they discover the parents of Caroline’s potential beau are not in residence when they arrive sans an ailing Aunt Hazel, who had been left to recuperate at an inn.

Molly is determined that her friend should have the opportunity to get to know Benedict, the young man her parents have tentatively selected as her match, trusting no one will ever find out they stayed under the same roof with three eligible bachelors without a proper chaperone. While the five young people play fast and loose with the proprieties (Molly does get to visit a tavern!), they conduct themselves with proper decorum.

I enjoyed the typical girl talk between Molly and Caroline about the progress of Caroline’s and Benedict’s relationship and the fun and, often, awkward moments Molly shared with Roger and his loving and loyal companion dog, Penny. The back and forth, ups and downs, and restrictions on behavior maintain a delightful tension, as does the interesting side story involving the maid, Kitty, and the housekeeper, Mrs. Lane. While the romances aren’t love at first sight, the characters have to work out their feelings for themselves before pursuing their hearts’ desires; these slow-burn relationships kept me fully engaged and hoping for a HEA.

I recommend TEACUPS AND TEMPTATIONS to readers of historical romances.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tours.

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Side Launch


Brock Martin


Exciting historical fiction featuring the entry of the Royal Canadian Navy into the action in the North Atlantic.


Side Launch by Brock Martin is a historical fiction novel about the entry of the Royal Canadian Navy into World War II and its operations in the North Atlantic to protect shipping routes for supplies going to England. The focus is on the fictional captain of the first corvette commissioned for service and family members of the ship’s builder in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. 

Lieutenant Ian Thompson is the captain of the HMCS Collingwood, and the story follows his service during WWII and his developing relationship with his best friend’s younger sister, Kate Andrews. While their relationship has a rocky beginning, they soon form a strong bond of friendship, exchanging letters and infrequent visits after the onset of the war. Both secretly want more from each other, but due to the circumstances, neither feels taking things to another level would be appropriate. 

The Collingwood’s sea experiences are eye-opening. The author does an amazing job conveying just how vulnerable the Allied ships were to the attacks by the German U-boats, especially when the swift strike forces or wolfpacks of multiple U-boats were formed. The naval engagements are exciting and, often, frustrating when the U-boats seem to be unstoppable. The author subtly slips in a lot of factual history about Canada’s part in WWII, their naval capabilities at the time, events leading up to the war in Europe, and German naval operations as part of the narrative. These pieces of the big picture were fascinating, and I read about a lot of things I’d never known before. 

Back home, Kate, a university-educated and fully qualified electrical engineer, is fighting her own battles. Few women were in her line of work, and in the 1940s, this occupation, like most, was completely a man’s dominion. She struggles for the opportunities to use her full potential in the service of the war effort. It was a gut punch when her own father failed to support her position. 

The plot is well-paced and unfolds from multiple points of view, namely through Ian and Kate’s perspectives. Descriptions of the action and settings are vivid and often unsettling and eerie, such as when the Collingwood sails through impenetrable fog or plays a waiting game, wondering when the next U-boat attack will come. There are lighthearted moments courtesy of the ship’s crew and the antics of Smokey, the ship’s cat mascot, to break up the constantly growing tension of escorting the convoys. 

With its engaging and sympathetic main characters and exciting plot, I recommend SIDE LAUNCH to readers of historical fiction, especially those interested in WWII naval actions and Canadian naval history. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tours.

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The Best General in the Civil War


Conrad Bibens


Fictionalized yet riveting story of the life of General George Thomas and his service to the Union during its most critical times.


The Best General in the Civil War by Conrad Bibens is the fictionalized yet riveting story of the life of General George Thomas and his critical contributions in service to the country before, during, and immediately after the Civil War. The author has General Thomas tell his own tale from childhood to post-Civil War using the device of an imaginary writing of a memoir, as dictated to his wife, Frances Kellogg Thomas, in response to an inflammatory newspaper article five years after the end of the war. In truth, Thomas destroyed his personal papers prior to his death. 

While the name of George Thomas has been overshadowed by that of Ulysses Grant and William Sherman, many historical observers and scholars of the war paint Thomas as the true reason for many of the Union’s critical victories. Readers are presented with the facts from Thomas’s perspective about his experiences during the war. His words are those of a proud and confident storyteller, giving voice to his successes and disappointments, many of which came at the hands of supposed friends and representatives of the government of which he served. I came away with a very different view of what this war was like, with details of dismissed strategies and missed opportunities, miscommunications, ineffective leadership, and poor decisions on both sides of the conflict. Battles are tense and exciting and described with a clear choreography that even I, unskilled and uneducated in such, could follow and envision. 

The story is as exciting as any adventure tale, often evoking emotional responses to events long past, especially when discussing the gut-wrenching decisions our ancestors made to stay with the United States or secede. The tale brought to life the fact that these fighting men had all been classmates or had served together previously before facing each other from opposite sides. It is often pointed out that families were split apart, with brothers fighting brothers, but usually, this is intoned in very general terms. This book names names, families where this actually occurred, making this tragedy personal and all the more heartbreaking. I didn’t know that President Lincoln himself had a brother-in-law who sided with the Confederates and was killed in action fighting against Union troops. Thomas was separated from his entire family save one of his brothers for the rest of his life and vilified by the people of his home state of Virginia for staying true to his military oath. 

I recommend THE BEST GENERAL IN THE CIVIL WAR to readers of historical fiction, especially those interested in the Civil War. 

Content warning: slavery, war, death, Ku Klux Klan

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Lone Star Book Blog Tours.

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To Do Justice

Chicago Trilogy, #3


Frank S. Joseph


Chicago, during the summer of 1965, was feeling the heat of change.


To Do Justice is the third volume in author Frank S. Joseph’s mesmerizing Chicago Trilogy and takes readers to the West Side neighborhoods of the Windy City during the sweltering, on-the-edge summer of 1965. All eyes were on Chicago that summer, and in the middle of it all was young Pinkie and AP reporter Mollie Hinton. 

In the midst of the turmoil, 12-year-old Pinkie longs to discover the identity of her birth mother and the life she knows is hers. She’s witness to the events that capture the attention of the world. Mollie, a young, white female reporter, relegated to the mundane in the newsroom as she’s a woman in a man’s game, has the right instincts and her fingers of the pulse of the community through contacts she’s made by listening and talking to the people who live there. When these two eventually got together, and Molly decided to tackle the mystery of Pinkie’s origins, I didn’t want to put the book down. 

The author brings in historical figures as the events of that summer are recreated, the writing so evocative I almost felt as if I were there. Early on, scenes came to life with the tension (and residual exhilaration) of the rioting, and background characters were on edge and ready to act in unpredictable ways, with realistic dialogue propelling the emotions and action. I quickly became invested in what was going to happen with both Pinkie and Mollie, fearing that any minute, something awful was about to go down with them right smack in the middle of it all.

 I recommend TO DO JUSTICE to readers of literary fiction, especially those interested in the tumultuous times of the mid-60s and in Chicago in particular. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tours.

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Death in the Ozarks

Sally Witherspoon Mystery, #1


Erik S. Meyers


Murder at the biker bar!


Death in the Ozarks is the first novel in author Erik S. Meyers's entertaining Sally Witherspoon Mysteries and is a fine debut for the series. The author creates a great small hometown vibe and introduces readers to a direct and confident new amateur sleuth. 

Sally Witherspoon, a transplant from Atlanta, Georgia, has been in Berry Springs, Arkansas, deep in the heart of the Ozark Mountains, for 15 years. In that time, she has built herself a successful second career as the owner of a biker bar with the help of her old college friend and business partner, Bill Arnold. When she discovers Bill's body behind the bar after closing one Saturday night, she is understandably invested in finding his killer. Still, I felt she was way too eager and convinced she was the only person who could solve the case. 

The plot moves quickly, with Bill's murder occurring early in the story, and Sally wastes no time jumping into investigator mode. The author does a great job developing the town of Berry Springs, presenting the leading citizens and secondary characters through their appearance at Sally's Smashers biker bar during the opening chapter, and additional residents are introduced as they are encountered during her investigation. The author also does justice to the scenic Ozark setting, and the plethora of bikers typically found enjoying the forested mountain byways. 

I recommend DEATH IN THE OZARKS to cozy mystery readers, especially those who like bikes, bikers, biker bars, and the beauty of the Ozark region. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours.

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Plausible Deception


Dwain Lee


Intriguing disappearance of a famous Stradivarius violin during a violin-makers competition.


Plausible Deception by Dwain Lee is a new cozy mystery about the disappearance of a famous Stradivarius violin during a conference and competition for violinmakers. Its engaging main characters, paired with its intriguing plot, made this book a winner that was hard to put down. 

Presbyterian minister the Reverend Dan Randolph and his husband Greg Zhu are in Anaheim, California, for the Violin Society of America’s annual makers competition. Greg is a skilled designer and talented craftsman with a growing reputation for creating beautiful violins, many of which are in the hands of renowned musicians around the world. When Greg is identified as the last known person to have been in the room alone with the missing violin, the police detective begins to focus his attention solely in his direction. It is up to Dan and Greg to figure out the truth and clear his name. 

The story unfolds from the viewpoint of both Dan and Greg, who not only make a delightful couple but also a great team, as they try to find the real thief. Prior to the crime, the author takes the time to build their life together so the reader can see the dynamics of their relationship and the care they’ve taken to ensure two individuals with disparate interests are successfully pursuing intense, hands-on, and, surprisingly, solitary careers. I had never realized the unique isolation that comes with being the pastor of a church and the loneliness that can result. While the story includes interesting tidbits of violin history and details of their design and construction, it also reveals that the artistry and precision required to craft a quality instrument make this a solitary profession, too. I could feel Greg’s panic when he realized his latest creation and competition entry had gotten away from him. Both occupations are not without their drama and readers get a taste of what that looks like in both professions. 

The story comes with a full-on teaser regarding how different mystery authors handle potential suspects in their books, and, consequently, this psychologically doubled the number of those possible in this one. I was immediately on the alert, trying to decide which direction Lee went. Were the unpleasant secondary characters just unpleasant red herrings, or were they telegraphing his intent that they were the bad guy? It was interesting that this earlier suggestion had me trying to second guess the motive of the author in addition to what I do with every mystery, which is to try to discern the motives for the available characters and potential suspects. In the end, the resolution was satisfying, and I was entertained by it all. 

I recommend PLAUSIBLE DECEPTION to cozy mystery readers, especially those interested in violins and violin-making and strong, realistic LGBTQ representation. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours.


Available ONLY in paperback through

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Ink and Intrigue at the Ivy Tree Inn

Ariadne Winter Mystery, #1


Ellen Butler


A fabulous start to an exciting new, historical cozy mystery series.


Ink and Intrigue at the Ivy Tree Inn is the first book in author Ellen Butler’s Ariadne Winter Mystery series. This new historical cozy series features a modern young female journalist set in the final years of the 1950s. With its sympathetic, kind, and engaging protagonist and nostalgic setting, the story has a unique and vibrant feeling that had me captivated from the very start. 

Ariadne Winter is hoping to advance from the copy desk at the Ladies’ Lifestyle Magazine to reporter with her first feature piece: an exclusive interview with famed Hollywood actress Donna Morgan, who is shooting her final film before giving up her career to marry the prince of a small European country. All is going well until Ariadne discovers a dead body at the inn where she is staying, altering her plans. Ariadne is a lovely young woman, smart, ambitious, and sophisticated, but also kind to those around her. As she provides one of the main points of view, I enjoyed her inner thoughts on events as well as her ‘modern’ attitude and way of thinking. The author includes many wonderful little details that help place the story in the latter days of the 1950s, and I enjoyed coming across them, almost like finding hidden treasures. The death is foreshadowed in the prologue, but the actual event isn’t until the story is well underway. By this time, the author has revealed the details and connections between the characters necessary to reach the final resolution. Under the circumstances, the extensive buildup was quite enjoyable and never tedious. I loved every minute. 

I recommend INK AND INTRIGUE AT THE IVY TREE INN to cozy mystery fans who enjoy a historical setting. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours.

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Evidence of the Affair


Taylor Jenkins Reid


Modern tale of the unexpected secrets in a marriage.


Evidence of the Affair, a short story by author Taylor Jenkins Reid, offers an unexpected view of an extramarital affair from the surprised perspective of the non-cheating spouses, Carrie and David, as revealed through letters they exchange. The cheaters are obliviously unaware their affair has been discovered. While Carrie and David commiserate and hope the affair burns out naturally so their marriages can return to normal, the inevitable happens. However, plot twists ensure a surprise ending for everyone involved. 

I recommend EVIDENCE OF THE AFFAIR to readers of women’s fiction, family drama, and romance.

Publisher: Amazon Original Stories

Publication date: September 20, 2018


Available through Kindle Unlimited or purchase

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See other reviews on Boys' Mom Reads!

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The Nephilim’s Fate

War of the Nephilim, #1


Eliza Hampstead


Exciting beginning for this intensely passionate paranormal romance series.


The Nephilim’s Fate is the first book in author Eliza Hampstead’s War of the Nephilim paranormal romance series, and the action and passion are front and center, and oh so well done from the very start. A witch and a Nephilim have a fated connection but are barred from consummating their passion because intimacy between the two supernatural species is believed to be deadly fatal for both. 

But who better to discover the validity behind the ancient beliefs than the main female character, Alissia Parker, who is a practicing research scientist with an entire lab at her off-hours disposal and a witch. Alissia was oblivious to her true nature; she was abandoned as an infant, adopted, and raised by mortals. It is Nate, a Nephilim, who clues her in on the presence of auras and their properties of identification, which reveals her to be a witch and delivers her to the helping hands of the local coven. Although having to keep his desire for Alissia in check constantly, Nate is literally sex on legs and the man of Alissia’s dreams. The passionate scenes in their dreams are spicy-hot but turn to frustration when they are unable to fulfill their desires in person or face certain death. 

The plot is robust, with a mysterious backstory for Alissia’s origins, the doubly forbidden romance (the danger and the prevailing attitudes of their people), and the resulting consequences of their love. The author’s choreography of ‘action’ scenes is extremely well done. These scenes are vividly described and without pretense. In addition, there are engaging, well-developed secondary characters, some of whom are featured in later books in the series. Thankfully, the subsequent novels are already available because this story has a cliffhanger ending that many will want to follow up on without delay. As a bonus, right now, those who sign up for the author’s email newsletter receive a short story featuring Nate’s Nephilim brother, Mike, and Alissia’s gal pal, Charlie. 

I recommend THE NEPHILIM’S FATE to readers of spicy paranormal romance. Sensitive readers should note this book contains potentially difficult topics and scenes that may be outside their comfort zone, such as graphic violence, SA, rape, and very graphic language. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tours.

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I Know She Was There


Jennifer Sadera


Exhilaratingly mind-blowing.


I Know She Was There by Jennifer Sadera is a mesmerizing tale of mystery, murder, and mental illness. Every evening, a young mother walks the upscale Deer Crossing neighborhood pushing her daughter's baby carriage, but what started as post-partum exercise has morphed into an addiction to watching the lives of the residents unfold, baring their secrets and sins to her observant eyes. 

Wow! What seems to start out as a tragic domestic drama soon became an exciting thriller where nothing is what it initially appears. The storytelling is clever and cunning, drawing me in from the start, and the pages almost turned themselves; I was so engrossed in following the twists and turns. 

The story unfolds via the troubled narrative of Caroline Case, the estranged wife of Tim and mother to Emmy. I immediately began to wonder what was really going on with this woman, as supposedly normal people clearly voiced their doubts about what she was reporting. Even the character herself starts to think maybe she is seeing things that aren't there. Twists and turns in the plot made me doubt every first impression for a good reason. It's one of the best books I've read this year. 

I recommend I KNOW SHE WAS THERE to readers of thrillers, mysteries, and psychological suspense. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours.