
02/21/2025 - Ambassador Breakfast at La Artesa Bakery

Grand Prairie Chamber (Events) 2/18 12:34P
Join us monthly for our Ambassador Breakfast. Each month we will be meeting at different locations of Chamber businesses to enjoy breakfast together and go over next month s calendar.

What is brine? How this de-icing solution can damage your car

CBS Dallas-Ft. Worth 2/18 2:09A Julia Falcon
North Texas is in the middle of winter, which means area roads are being treated with brine . Texas Department of Public Safety crews were seen hitting the roads Sunday to treat major roads and highways across Tarrant and Dallas counties with a...

Woman fatally struck by vehicle in Parker County

DFW Scanner 2/17 7:33A dfwscanner
At around 10:15pm Sunday evening, Parker County Emergency Service District #1, Parker County Hospital District EMS, and DPS Troopers responded to a major accident involving a pedestrian on the eastbound lanes of Highway 199 near Jay Bird Lane....

First family to integrate Crowley ISD honored

NBC Dallas-Fort Worth 2/14 10:50A Laura Harris
Crowley ISD celebrated a trailblazing family on Thursday, Feb. 13. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved naming a new campus in the district after the first Black family to integrate the district in 1965. First and foremost I want to thank...
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