Riley Heruska
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There is a lot of confusion swirling around the topic of head lice, mostly because there are so many different ways to treat the little buggers. To make sure you’re handling lice infestations and preventions correctly, let’s go over some of the most commonly held beliefs about lice that are factually inaccurate, according to experts.

Only kids with dirty hair come home with lice.

Although one might think that people with unwashed, greasy hair are more prone to lice infestations, that’s actually not true. Lice don’t discriminate between heads that are squeaky clean and those that are not. The creepy creatures are looking for human blood, which is available no matter how often you shampoo your head.

If your child’s head isn’t itchy, they don’t have lice.

Actually, some people never experience the itchy sensation that accompanies head lice. If your child takes allergy pills, they may not complain of any discomfort because the itchiness is caused by an allergic reaction to the lice’s saliva.

Head lice carry dangerous diseases.

Fortunately, this is untrue. Head lice do require human blood to live and are considered parasitic, but they are not known for transmitting harmful diseases. However, a person with head lice may develop secondary bacterial infections because they have broken their skin by itching.

People with buzzed haircuts can’t get lice.

As long as head lice have the opportunity to move from one head to another, the length of the person’s hair doesn’t matter. People with long hair may be more likely to get lice simply because their locks come in contact with other heads more frequently, but even people with extremely short hair can experience an infestation. Lice can live off as little as a quarter of an inch of hair.

Lice can fly from one head to another.

Luckily, lice cannot fly or even hop long distance. They move around by crawling, which means you cannot be exposed to them unless you come in direct contact with an infested head or something else with lice on it.

Your pets can give family members head lice.

If you’re worried about catching lice from your cat or dog, rest assured: head lice only like humans, which means your furry friend isn’t harboring any secret colonies.

Using an over-the-counter product is enough to end an infestation.

Even if you purchase an FDA-approved treatment product or a doctor’s prescription to treat head lice, it probably won’t be enough to eradicate the pests for good. You will most likely need to visit a treatment center in order to obtain a treatment that’s effective. Additionally, many over-the-counter products contain harmful chemicals, so it’s better to skip them and seek out professional assistance ASAP.

Sandboxes are often filled with lice breeding grounds.

Somehow, a rumor that head lice love burrowing in schoolyard sandboxes began to spread, but it’s unfounded. Sure, if someone with lice rubbed their head all in the sand it might contain a few lice, but they probably wouldn’t even live long enough to contaminate other children. There are no secret lice hiding in the sand, waiting to pounce on innocent children.

Kids with lice can’t attend school until they’re gone.

As soon as a child (or adult) has received treatment for head lice, they should be good to return to their normal routine the same day. There is no risk of catching lice after effective treatment unless they are in contact with a person who has a current infestation. Lice don’t spread dangerous diseases, so there is no need to remain home for long periods of time. The safest thing to do is to notify the school nurse and the parents of every friend your child is regularly in close contact with. Remember, lice require head to head contact to get them from another person, and you don’t want to get it again. All friends should be checked by a professional certified Liftician.

The best way to handle lice is to implement a tried-and-true treatment plan immediately. Lice Lifters Treatment Centers now offers evening and weekend appointments. Call for emergency lice removal appointments for people of all ages and ensure that all lice activity is destroyed, quickly and efficiently. Their natural killing agent contains no harmful toxins or pesticides, so you won’t have to worry about nasty skin reactions. No nit will be left standing.

To schedule an appointment, contact the centers at 817-677-1024 (Southlake location) or 972-805-1308 (Frisco location). You can also learn more about the company at Mention BubbleLife when you book an appointment and you’ll even receive 50 percent off a head check!

One Quick Treatment. Done! 30-Day Guarantee!


Lice Lifters Treatment Centers

Southlake Location:

101 River Oaks Drive, Suite 110
Southlake, TX 76092

Frisco Location:

7000 Parkwood Blvd, Suite C300
Frisco, TX 75035


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