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Business and Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck: Overcoming the Quagmires by Frank Zaccari 

This little volume is packed with interesting examples and details backed by reliable and varied source materials for getting unstuck in whatever area of your life is holding you back. 

Business and Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck by author/speaker Frank Zaccari explores the many ways one can become “stuck” in an unfulfilling work situation, personal relationship, or even, in our practices of self-care and growth. The third book in a three-book series, it is presented in a highly readable format, and I felt as if I were listening to a close and much more experienced old friend as we discussed how things were going in my life. 

For such a manageably-sized volume, the book is packed with interesting examples and details backed by reliable and varied source materials. Although I personally was a little distracted by the source attributions immediately following the relevant information in the text itself, it made noting the source quick and easy. Many sounded like articles I’d want to hunt down later for further reading. I really appreciated how these citations were collected and repeated at the end of the book as “End Notes.” Similarly, I liked how the end-of-chapter questions were consolidated in one location as the “Workbook.” 

I wasn’t surprised to read that working for the same company for 20 years or so is no longer a strategically astute decision. However, I had the proverbial light bulb moment regarding employment post-COVID when I saw the following: 

“Now you have the chance to press the restart button, to discover what you really want, and to make a meaningful change.” 

This is an opportunity that many are taking advantage of right now, if not already in the past two years. Businesses are going to feel this workforce flex for some time to come, so I will keep this in mind and remember to be patient as many new employees gain expertise and experience. 

I recommend BUSINESS AND PERSONAL SECRETS FOR GETTING UNSTUCK to anyone who feels stuck in any aspect of their life. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Providence Book Promotions. 

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