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Whiskey On Our Shoes by Tonya Preece 

Sure to grab on and hold tight to the attention of readers of contemporary new or young adult romance. 

Whiskey On Our Shoes by Tonya Preece is a new contemporary new adult/young adult romance set in Austin, the capital city of the state of Texas. With its multi-faceted characters and multi-layered plot, it is sure to grab on and hold tight to the attention of readers of the genre and soon have them turning pages, compelled to see what would happen next. 

The main character, Eva Covington, had a unique and unusual childhood. The daughter of a musician father and supermodel mother, she lived her life, until recently, on a tour bus, part of the entourage of The Fabulous Undertakers. You’d think this would have led to a life of freedom: sex, drugs, and rock and roll; however, her mother, Sloane Silver, has kept her completely under wraps and away from the eyes of the paparazzi, and over the years, most have forgotten Sloane had a daughter. Mother and daughter have gone to unusual lengths to hide their relationship, ostensibly to protect Eva, but I’m convinced it was more to hide the fact that the supermodel was a mother with a now-grown daughter. 

The male lead, Alex Marshall, although a typical UT university student, has a complex backstory of his own. His freshman year was nearly derailed by an unfortunate love affair he’d had with an older woman who lied about being single. Alex is on academic probation and worries every day that his parents, back home in Florence, Texas, will find out about his grades and the woman. Adding to his pressure, his former lover wasn’t ready to end their affair when he did and is constantly hounding him to resume the relationship. 

The first meeting between Eva and Alex is funny, and the two make an adorable pair. Eva is staying with her rock star brother, Lor, to help him recuperate from injuries sustained while filming a music video. Alex is the alcoholic Lor’s unwitting accomplice in his latest escapade to obtain alcohol. The attraction between Eva and Alex is immediate. Both have little experience with the opposite sex, and the expected bumps along their journey to love are mostly due to big misunderstandings. I was hooked by their story and was glued to the pages wanting to know if these two would have a HEA. 

I recommend WHISKEY ON OUR SHOES to readers who enjoy contemporary new/young adult romances, especially stories set in Austin or small-town Texas, or the music industry. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Lone Star Book Blog Tours.

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