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Claws of the Cat (Shinobi Mystery, #1)


Susan Spann

Excellent Japanese historical mystery perfect for fans of Laura Joh Rowland’s Sano Ichiro series! 

When one of Father Mateo’s congregation, a lovely young entertainer in a geisha house, is accused of the murder of one of its samurai patrons, Matsui Hiro, Father Mateo’s Japanese translator/bodyguard (and undercover shinobi or ninja) lends his skills to find the real killer. The murdered man’s son gives the pair three days to discover the murderer or face death as part of the son’s traditional revenge.

This is a great mystery set in 16th-century Japan, and you can almost feel, hear, and smell the setting and live the story right along with the wonderful lead characters, Hiro and Father Mateo. The story is also sprinkled with memorable supporting characters such as Ana, the curmudgeonly housekeeper, and Luis, the Portuguese merchant and guest in Father Mateo’s home.

The story is filled with authentic-sounding and feeling details, and the author certainly has the chops to assure you of their genuine nature. This was a fabulous reading experience; I feel like I just returned from a trip to medieval Japan, and I was absolutely immersed in the story. I highly recommend this to historical mystery fans, especially those who enjoyed the Sano Ichiro series by Laura Joh Rowland.

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