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Journey To Discover The Heart of God


The Reverend Debbie Womack


Lovely, guided prayer journal to enhance spiritual reflection and understanding.


Journey To Discover The Heart of God is a lovely, guided prayer journal by The Reverend Debbie Womack, an Episcopal deacon in Lubbock, Texas, and veteran author of educational and religious curricula for schools and church classrooms. With its clean lines, simple imagery and layout, and thoughtful and diverse selections of Bible verses, each page is certain to prompt contemplation, spiritual reflection, understanding, and renewal.


The journal has a consistent, easy-to-follow layout prefaced by the author’s suggested methods of progressing through the spiritually-themed prayer prompts. There are eight themes: peace, hope, joy, faith, trust, prayer, forgiveness, and love, with approximately ten pages headed by a Bible verse or verses (taken from the New International Version) devoted to each theme. Following each page’s verse or combination of verses is plenty of clean, lined, white space for writing down one’s thoughts on the reading. After the guided prompts, several additional pages are provided for exploring personal prayers, meditations, and thoughts. However, while the author offers options for employing and getting the most out of its use, the journal would be easily customizable or adaptable to individual preferences and needs.


With its fresh simplicity, ease of use, adaptability, and nice writing spaces begging for your input, I recommend JOURNEY TO DISCOVER THE HEART OF GOD to readers of middle-school age and older who are looking to examine their spirituality and relationship with God and their fellow man.

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