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Excitement and danger are on every page as the City of Lights plays host to this final chapter in the GHOST AGENTS TRILOGY! 

After the pivotal confrontation between Claire, her compatriots, and the Syndicate at the close of Ghost Agents: Revelations, the Bureau was rocked by a bomb planted deep beneath the American headquarters. During the ensuing chaos, an agent working secretly working for the Syndicate freed Dr. Warner Vogel from his underground prison and lab. When Zach, Claire, and other handpicked agents are finally able to investigate, they discover the stored energy from all the dispatched projections has been released. Somehow, the Syndicate siphoned all of the safeguarded energy into tanker trucks and disappeared into the city.

 Despite these events, the leaders at the Bureau's world headquarters still refused to acknowledge the existence of the Syndicate. Understanding the dire threat, Director Fiorella Farrugia decides to take the evidence and testimony straight to the main man in person. She, Claire, Drew, and his brother, Luke, head to Paris, where they are still met with skepticism until the Syndicate goes public with their demands and threatens the heads of state of any nation that gets in their way. 

Ghost Agents: Retribution is the third and final book in the outstanding Ghost Agents Trilogy, and folks at The Society for Historical Preservation certainly conclude business in style! This time, the action moves from Galveston and Boston overseas to The City of Lights, and author Nita DeBorde really brings it with an insider's knowledge of the famous city. With the seamless inclusion of French dialogue (and English translations) and truly iconic sights around every corner, the reader will feel they are on the streets of Paris alongside agents Claire Abelard and Drew Mitchell. The author even slips in some delightful tidbits of history as our heroine and hero traverse the city, talking to well-known former residents. 

Claire is such a good-hearted person, and protecting the projections from harm, especially unethical living human beings, is always foremost in her actions. That continues to be her goal here, along with saving the rest of the world from the bad guys. She's surrounded and supported in her efforts by a loving family, and she and her brother, Zach, now seem to be working on the same page, making them a formidable team. The same could be said of her relationship with her love interest, Drew. Although still very much a romantic couple, the focus this time is more on their working together as a team. Thumbs up for Drew recruiting his brother, Luke, to the cause. I liked the siblings' dynamic in the previous books and enjoyed their being back together in this one. All these characters are likable and engaging people. 

One of my favorite things about this trilogy is the interactions Claire has with the projections (ghosts), and there are appearances by some famous names who are still hanging around town. The projections always seem to have entertaining quirks as they stay tethered to whatever spot they've felt was important to them during their Earthly life. I enjoy how the principals seek out these lingering spirits to get the low-down on what is happening in the city.

 If you've been following the story (and you need to have read BOTH of the previous books in the trilogy to understand what's going on), you know that Claire is still trying to discern the depth and breadth of her sensitivity and acumens. This thread is full of surprises in this book, with twists that made me gasp! Claire is such a good-hearted person, and protecting the projections from harm, especially unethical living human beings, is always foremost in her actions. That continues to be her goal here, along with saving the rest of the world from the bad guys. 

And speaking of bad guys, all the old enemies return for this finale, and they haven't gotten any nicer. The author has created evil characters that I looked forward to Claire besting at their own game. The plot is a nail-biter at times, though! 

I recommend GHOST AGENTS: RETRIBUTION to readers who have read and enjoyed the previous books in the trilogy and the entire GHOST AGENTS TRILOGY to cozy mystery readers who like a paranormal foundation to their stories. 

See my reviews to the previous books in the series: Ghost Agents (Ghost Agents Trilogy, #1) and Ghost Agents: Revelations (Ghost Agents Trilogy, #2).

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours.

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