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The Prince’s One-Night Baby by Juliette Hyland 

Another great medical romance where characters with past hurts find a happily ever after they were never expecting. 

A year after her engagement to the scion of a socially-prominent Seattle family ends, midwife Calla Lewis is still repaying the tuition her former fiancé had supposedly gifted her during their relationship. So, when offered an unusual opportunity to speed up her resolution of the debt as a midwife at a women’s clinic on a small Greek island, she readily accepts, even though she’s never stepped foot out of Seattle nor flown in her entire life. But only a short time into the flight, a pregnant passenger goes into premature labor with dire complications, and Calla must overcome her fears and take action to save the young woman and her baby. 

Dr. Kostas Drakos is unhappy to be flying home to the island country of Palaío, even if it is at the express request of his brother, the king. The OB/GYN at the women’s clinic there has retired, a replacement is yet to be found, and the queen, Kosta’s sister-in-law, is due soon to deliver her second child. Kostas had been a rebellious teen, chafing under life in the limelight as a royal, and had left the island years earlier under a cloud. His home was now in Seattle, and the last thing he wanted was to return to the constant scrutiny and constrictive royal expectations. When the call for a doctor was made during the first leg of his journey, he promptly responded, along with his ‘nervous-flyer’ seatmate.

 Kostas is greatly impressed as the young midwife forgoes her personal feelings and takes charge of the emergency, even following along to the hospital with her forgotten bag and luggage once they are on the ground in Dayton. Reunited with Calla after the successful delivery, the two spend the rest of the day and a passionate night together: never revealing more than their names to each other. They are two strangers who have shared an exhilarating medical emergency and will never see each other again. Or so they thought. 

The Prince’s One-Night Baby by Juliette Hyland is another excellent medical romance with characters who’ve been hurt in the past and need a happily ever after ending. The main characters are nice people who have experienced heartbreak in their pasts which they haven’t quite been able to resolve emotionally. Though they’ve attained skills and success in their respective careers, their pasts have placed a roadblock on their journey to finding love, commitment, and satisfying personal relationships. 

In addition to these two sympathetic characters, the author has created an idyllic Greek island kingdom with welcoming and personable coworkers, patients, and relatives but a terrifyingly damaging grapevine of gossip and malicious media coverage. It was frightening! But I really enjoyed the to and fro of the relationship, their working out misunderstandings, their handling of Calla’s surprise pregnancy, and the lovely respites spent at The Grotto, the royal family’s private getaway in the hills. There is a well-deserved happily ever after. 

I recommend THE PRINCE’S ONE-NIGHT BABY to romance readers who enjoy a medical-themed story and flawed characters who dearly need a happily ever after. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Xpresso Book Tours.

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