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Easier Dead Than Drawn

Paint By Murder Mystery, #3


Bailee Abbott


An exciting return to Whisper Cove!

The Abbington sister sleuths, family, friends, and love interests all work together to solve the murder of Chloe’s former roommate, who is in Whisper Cove on a commission for the town to create a mural. Their need to catch the killer is critical as Chloe, having discovered the body of her friend, is one of the first suspects of the lead detective on the case.  

While Easier Dead Than Drawn is the third book in author Bailee Abbott’s fun and artsy Paint By Murder cozy mystery series, it has enough backstory woven into the narrative so readers who are new to the series can easily catch up and enjoy the current adventure. (However, the entire series is charming, full of mystery and suspense, and shouldn’t be missed!) 

The plot of the book, besides the murder and the women’s investigation, is enhanced by the conflict among the townspeople over a proposed new amphitheater: some absolutely want it, while some vehemently oppose it. The case focuses on a couple of promising suspects close to the murdered artist, with plot twists that help rule out some or send the investigators in another direction. The resolution was accomplished in a unique manner, which was a great surprise. And, of course, the storyline features the sisters’ business of those fun group painting parties! 

I recommend EASIER DEAD THAN DRAWN to cozy mystery readers, especially those who enjoy a craft-themed story. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy from the author through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours.

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