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Wine Explained

Answers to the Most Common Questions about Wine


Fabrizio Di Rienzo


Comprehensive and pleasantly readable – takes all the intimidation out of the picture.


Wine Explained is a comprehensive and extraordinarily readable question-and-answer style guide to all things wine by Fabrizio Di Rienzo, “The Modern Maitre D & Sommelier,” noted speaker and trainer. With his personable delivery, the author makes his explanations easy to understand without the intimidating pretension that is often encountered by wine novices when asking the experts about the basics, making wine something everyone can enjoy and not just those already in the know. Including history and lesser-known facts as well, this book is perfect no matter where one is in their knowledge of wine; there was just so much of interest and value here. 

I highly recommend WINE EXPLAINED for anyone who has questions about wine and would like to know more. 

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy through RABT Book Tours and PR.

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